Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The New Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

With the all the "Love Wins" heresy, the homosexual agenda, the genocide of babies, the emergent church doctrines, and so on and so forth going around the church and those outside of the church, it is safe to say that "the great apostasy" or "rebellion" mentioned in II Thessalonians 2 has come. Yes, rebellions have taken place in the past (such as the cults, the free-love movement, etc...) but we see it even more so as the days grow darker and darker. The Apostle Paul knew that a time would come in man's history where lawlessness would abound. However, I do not think that he knew that a huge part of this lawlessness would be the twisting of the very words God put on his heart to write down. Men have dived into the now perverted philosophical/psychological world and embraced the lie. What is the lie exactly? Truth is what you believe it to be. For a person 100 years ago, this statement is grossly absurd (and rightfully so). However, "tolerance" (the new wolf in sheep's clothing) has come into full affect. For the unbeliever this means, choose whatever religion you want and we will not tell you, you are wrong. However, for the believer this means, choose a relationship with the living God and you become a close-minded bigot with a society-hindering bias (wow, how tolerant...). Everything is backwards in these last days: Faith is now irrationality, love is now a feeling, and hope is now an impossible dream. Oh how we need to be lights and grains of salt in these days where blindness is sight and flavorlessness is the season of choice. The change is not in us however. The change must come from God Himself. Become a man or woman that hungers and thirsts for righteousness and you shall be filled. And by allowing one's self to be filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit, we can be used for the change that God so desperately desires.

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